Thanks for joining us on this 4-part expose on Whey Protein.
Over the coming weeks we will be asking the question:

Having done the research and being a little partial ourselves:
We’re excited to say.

We’re gonna get deep on why, but just to start us out.
Whey boosts the immune system by (Science Incoming) increasing the synthesis of glutathione – a powerful antioxidant which has enormous health benefits and helps protect your body from disease.
Whey Protein is considered a complete protein as it contains all of the 9 essential amino acids.
It also has the highest combined BCAA (Branched Chain Amino Acid) content out of all the other types of protein.
That’s just one of the many reasons we absolutely love the stuff and are excited to have you on this journey.
Be sure to subscribe below to keep up with us as we ask;
How does Whey Protein help Muscle Growth?
Can it help us LOSE weight?
How does it affect the rest of your body?
We’ll break it all down for you.

Of course, since you wanna follow along on this journey, throw that email down there to jump into our newsletter.
We won’t spam you with junk. We will let you know when we answer the questions focused on weight loss and performance enhancement.We’ll also let you know when we answer the biggest question of all.There’s tons of `protein supplements` out there; What makes ours so special? Stick around you might be surprised what you find out.
Regardless of your goals, Whey protein should be regarded as a foundational nutrient of any nutrition program.But the only way to really find out how beneficial whey protein can be for you, is to try Vita-Whey 8hr Protein™ for yourself.